Tuesday 23 April 2013


  • In the ready position, the skipper (Tekong) will lift his right foot before doing the swing.
  • Give signal to wedge the ball the desired height.
  • Soccer ball with the inside foot and on and peak.

  • There are four phases in making the toss of the ball, bend the knees, throwing the ball and Follow-Through.
  • Hold the ball with a neat and focused on the skipper (tekong)
  • Bend the knees to get power before doing flips.
  • Straighten the knee as the ball is released and by and peak.

3) LURE.
  • Three phases involved in the lure of self-ready position, stand site and do a kick.
  • Ready to control the ball.
  • Bend your left knee to do stability.
  • Use skills Soccer please to do pass
  • Balance the body by hand.

  • The header is probably most important skill to have, especially in the net game. 
  • The header is used to pop up a ball that comes higher than the waist. The best way to learn the header is like the inside kick. The contact point should be just above the forehead at he hairline, not too much on the forehead and not too much on the top of the head, right in between. 
  • Toss the ball to yourself, hit it with your head and then catch it. Do this several times until you feel comfortable with this skill. When doing the header, remember to bend your knees and get low beneath the ball. Like the other kicks, you don't need to focus on power but on accuracy and placement. 
  • The next step in this skill drill is to toss the ball higher and again control it with your head before catching the ball. It hurts a bit at first, but you'll get use to it. The graduating step is to a header from a high inside kick or from a header to a controlling inside kick. Try both combinations as you will be using both of them as you begin to play more 

  • Blocking the ball is a skill to ensure the flaming made ​​by opponents repulsed.
  • Blocking the ball can be done by foot or body.
  • Three main phases of blocking skills:
  • Themselves available.
  • Boost with high backs up beyond 0.5 m from the net, the higher jumps are made, the higher the blockage area.
  • Be sure to use right foot barriers blocking the ball stoned, null if the block by hand.


  1. Some pretty good and nice techniques to learn. Thanks for sharing such a detailed article.

  2. is real good to learn about but about warm up drill and Dos and Don'ts

    1. Thanks for sharing such details it helps me understand it.
